What Is 5G Technology and Network

By Tanner Abraham •  Updated: 08/14/22 •  7 min read

As soon as we get used to new equipment, when a more advanced one comes onto the market. Almost everyone wants to keep up with the latest advances in communication and entertainment science. However, the truth is that this is a task that can turn uphill.

It’s not just about how expensive it can be to get access to a new mobile device or other gadget, it’s also about spending time and energy learning how to use it properly to extend its lifespan.

Also, there are more and more applications, programs, software and networks that allow you to perform an infinite number of tasks, efficiently, in record time. In fact, all you have to do is press a couple of buttons to send an order to a device to execute a task for you.

Of course, naturally, in order to get the most out of it, you need to be aware of the latest technological advances in this area. One of the great news that sounds the most among users and denizens is technology and the 5G network.

Until recently, less developed countries could have access to the 4G network and now a new generation is coming. But what is 5G technology and network? What are the advantages it offers compared to the previous version? What benefits does it bring? What are the negative aspects that should be considered?

If you are reading this article, it is because you are interested in knowing more about this topic. Therefore, I encourage you to continue reading. Here, I will share with you all the available information about this new technological advance, which will bring society one step closer to the future and provide it with greater comfort. Let’s see it right now.


The term or name 5G refers to the fifth generation of mobile networks that we know so far. The old 1G network was the one whose phones only allowed talking. Later, 2G was in charge of introducing SMS.

Over time, when phones became a broader communication tool, the 3G network arrived, which incorporated the Internet connection. Until recently, we enjoyed the 4G network, also known as broadband, which brought with it the opportunity to play streaming videos and augmented reality.

As for the 5G network, it is a version that is responsible for improving Internet access features on mobile devices, such as broadband, the capacity of connected devices, latency, etc.

It is capable of giving smartphone users the speed of fiber, but without fiber. It was born to face hyper connectivity and to promote digital transformation in different companies.


Among its most outstanding features are the following:

Now, you need to know other aspects related to this innovative network, which promises to change people’s lives.

What do you need

Since you already know what its most important features are, you need to understand how these translate into benefits for users. Some of these are:

All these advantages make the 5G network a valuable tool to speed up the digitalization process of companies, as well as the digital transformation of society in general and the economy.

In a nutshell, the 5G network will allow people to connect with everything around them. It will go beyond simply uploading and downloading a high-quality video quickly. It will also be useful to provide a greater boost in the ICT sector, companies and households, since it makes it possible for more devices to be connected simultaneously.

In addition, it will serve to catapult the internet of things, AI and augmented reality. Without a doubt, the 5G network will start a true technological revolution. However, is it as good as it seems? Is everything positive? To have an objective point of view about something, it is necessary to be able to see both sides of the coin.


Of course, naturally, not everything is 100% good. There are different aspects that could be considered as disadvantages of the 5G network, some of them are:

  1. The incompatibility. It must be taken into account that devices prior to the implementation of this network are incompatible with it. This means that the equipment you currently have will not be able to assume all the speed and amount of content that will circulate on the network. In order to take advantage of all the advantages and capabilities it has, you will need to replace your devices with others that are more modern.
  2. More expensive infrastructure. As happened with fiber optics, which required a more expensive installation to provide higher speed, the equipment that has this technology will also have a higher cost. Especially, because they will be last generation terminals.

On the other hand, until now it is not known to what extent this new network will generate an increase in the prices established for mobile rates.

However, if you put the advantages and disadvantages of technology and the 5G network on a scale, you will realize that the advantages outweigh the advantages. Thanks to this network you will be able to carry out hundreds of operations in record time, which means that there will be significant savings in the effort, time and energy you invest to work.

Without a doubt, any sacrifice you make to gain access to this network will be worth it and will be more than rewarded. Remember that all technological advances are intended to improve people’s lives. If you bet on this network, you will be one of the great beneficiaries.

Tanner Abraham

Data Scientist and Software Engineer with a focus on experimental projects in new budding technologies that incorporate machine learning and quantum computing into web applications.