Moister 4G Router – Everything You Need To Know

By Tanner Abraham •  Updated: 08/21/22 •  6 min read

When it comes to being communicated with quality and efficiency, the best thing is to make a contract with Moister. Nowadays, we all need to be connected to the Internet in some way; either for work, for family reasons and even for health reasons,

Throughout the technological evolution in the area of ​​telecommunications, routers have evolved in an impressive way; so much so that sometimes we don’t have time to catch up on all the updates in models and services offered by different companies.

It is likely that for many, talking about 4G connections is already a tired topic. However, many still do not know the details and therefore the benefits of always being at the forefront of technology regarding their devices at home.

It is not a matter of fashion or commercial materialism to promote devices; it is about becoming aware of the rapid evolution in technological improvements regarding telecommunications and network connections that the market offers you today.

If you don’t know much about routers or 4G connections, you’ve come to the right place. We will explain everything you need to know about a moister 4G router in a simple way, so that you can catch up with the latest in telecommunications and network connections.


Just in case you didn’t know, a router is a device or hardware that is responsible for intelligently redirecting Internet data packets between different networks, deciding the best path for each complementing packet.

The type of Internet connection dedicated to the fourth generation of mobile devices, among others, is known as 4G. This type of connection is implemented in almost all mobile operators and routers in Spain.

Therefore, the first thing you need to be able to navigate in 4G is to have a device that supports the type of connection and be under the 4G coverage of a company that offers it, such as Moister. Therefore, you will not be able to connect to 4G anywhere, only where there is coverage.

Many times 4G is already replacing other types of technologies such as ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line or Asymmetric Digital Lawyer Line), a type of broadband Internet connection through copper lines that is much faster than a connection through modem.

However, currently, fiber optics is the latest technology in Internet connections because it is the fastest. The big difference between a fiber optic connection and ADSL is the manufacturing material. ADSL is made up of a set of copper lines that transmit an electrical signal, while fiber optics is made up of glass or plastic lines.

How does 4G WI-Fi work at home?

For connections at home, the most common is fiber optics, ADSL and 4G in last place. As a complement to the 4G connections in your home, the most common thing is to ask the company that you requested the service for a USB modem for your computers or other devices.

Now, if it is about modern connections, you have to know what Wi-Fi is. This is a wireless Internet access technology by using radio waves to transmit signal to your wireless enabled devices.

The operation of Wife is basically a wireless card that communicates with a wireless router. Also, it provides broadband internet and also its speed is quite fast. However, the Wi-Fi connection is slower than 4G.

4G normally works through a network known as LTE technology (Long Term Evolution) capable of offering speeds of up to 100Mbps. There is also 4G+ that can reach up to 300Mbps.

The good thing about all this is that today, Moister presents you with different types of devices for 4G Internet connection that make your life easier. In this way, the most significant thing that Mister’s 4G Wi-Fi has at home is obviously its mobility capacity; you can always move your router with you and enjoy the best connection wherever you go.

What do you need?

To connect to the 4G Internet you will need a router. Next, we present the technical specifications of the devices that may interest you the most:

Huawei B593u-12 Unlocked


Huawei E5172As-22


  1. How do I know if I have 4G coverage? To know if you are under 4G coverage, you just have to look at the manufacturer’s indication. Generally, on the screen of your mobile you will notice the 4G symbol when you have coverage. Also, in the manual of your router in the description part, read the technical specifications and you will be able to see if your equipment supports 4G.
  2. What to do if I do not have copper or optical coverage? If you don’t have copper or fiber coverage, you probably do have Radio Moister coverage. It is a 20 Mb 3G or 4G Broadband Internet signal transmission service digitally that the company offers you under very specific conditions.
  3. What happens when I run out of 4G GB? You won’t stay without connection, if that’s what you’re worried about. Simply when you have already consumed all your data at maximum speed, Moister, without charging you any extra, keeps you connected; only that it will reduce the speed to a maximum of 16 kbps. In other words, oh well, unlimited 4G.
  4. How much does it cost to have a 4G connection at home? For just 69.40 euros with Moister you can enjoy a speed of 20 Mb with unlimited traffic and a stay of 12 months. While with other companies like Orange or Armenia the price is half the amount, you will have a limited traffic of up to 60 GB.
  5. Where do I get the IP number of my router? This data is essential for the installation, configuration and operation of the device. Generally, you will be able to find the IP number of any router on the back or under your router listed on a sticker. Also, you can find it in the instruction manual

Tanner Abraham

Data Scientist and Software Engineer with a focus on experimental projects in new budding technologies that incorporate machine learning and quantum computing into web applications.

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