How to Use Spottily Songs as a Ringtone

By Tanner Abraham •  Updated: 07/28/22 •  5 min read

Today the vast majority of people know how to use spottily, the well-known streaming music platform that allows us to access thousands of songs over the Internet. This has become the great reference in the sector, especially thanks to the fact that it is a free application that allows us to listen to the music we want from computers or mobile devices with an Internet connection. Also, if you opt for one of their payment plans, you can enjoy additional benefits.

Knowing how to install spottily is something simple to do, since it is enough to go to the application store of your smartphone and search for the spottily app to download and install it. In the event that you access from a PC, all you have to do is go to its official website and proceed to download the application for its subsequent installation.

As on other occasions we have explained how to share playlists on spottily and how to use other of its features, this time we are going to explain how to use songs from the platform as a ringtone, something highly demanded by users.

However, first you should know that if you want one of their songs to play when you receive a call, you cannot set a spottily song as a ringtone. However, you can make any song start playing whenever you receive a call. This is what we are going to explain in this article.

Automation to open spottily when someone makes a call

Spottily has a very wide musical catalog, so putting any of its songs as a ringtone is something interesting. The main problem that we find is that spottily does not allow it directly and there are also no applications for smartphones that allow you to choose one of its songs as a ringtone.

However, you can resort to a different alternative to the usual one of downloading the song and then using it as a ringtone; and it is to make use of Macro Droid, an automation application that allows us to have a similar effect.

Macro Droid is a free application that allows you to carry out automatic executions on your mobile, being very simple to use and with great potential. In this way, using it we can make spottily open when someone calls us.

Instructions to use ringtone songs from spottily

In order to know how to use a spottily song ringtone, you should know that there are several points to keep in mind. To begin with, Macro Droid, the app that we are going to use, needs some permission such as accessibility. Also, if you want the song to skip with the mobile with the screen off, which is the most logical thing in this case, you must deactivate the lock on your phone. You must keep this in mind, since setting the tone could make your phone more exposed to dangers. That said, we are going to indicate the steps you must follow:

  1. First of all you will have to  download Macro Droid on your Android mobile device, give it the requested permissions and remove the screen lock.
  2. Then  you will open the spottily application on your terminal and search for the song you want to use as a ringtone.
  3. When you have located it you will have to click on the three points of the Menu and then on  Share.
  4. Next you will have to choose  Share link to copy the URL of the song you want to use.
  5. Once the above is done, it will be time to go to  Macro Droid, where you will have to pass the tutorial and go to  Add Macro .
  6. Then press the  “+”that you will find in the trigger, then choose  calls / SMS and select  Incoming call . Then accept the access permissions.
  7. Then you will have to keep  Select contacts selected and press  OK , and then choose  any number and accept again.
  8. The next step is to press the “ +” symbol for actions and go to  Screen , where you will choose  Screen on/off . In this place you will have to select  Turn on screen (alternative) .
  9. Nearing the end of the process, you will have to press the  “+”symbol for actions again, in this case to go to  Applications and you will choose  “Open website / Get HTTP” .
  10. Next  , paste the address of the spottily song that you copied previously in the URL section. Then click   OK . In this way, Macro Droid will execute the web address when you receive a call, causing spottily to open with said song.
  11. Now you just have to write the name you prefer for the automation in Macro Droid and exit the macro with the back button. Accept the changes and you will have a ringtone with songs from spottily.

You can do this process if you want to put ringtones for each person in particular. In that case, what you will have to do is follow the previous steps, but copy the URL of the different songs and  assign them to specific contact numbers .

What do you need to use spottily songs as a ringtone?

Tanner Abraham

Data Scientist and Software Engineer with a focus on experimental projects in new budding technologies that incorporate machine learning and quantum computing into web applications.