Many times we may need to cut an .mp3 audio file (or any format in general). Either because it is a recording for a project and just at a certain moment you hear an annoying noise that you want to cut out of the recording. Or because you want to keep only a specific part of your favorite song. Whatever the reason, it is possible thanks to software to cut mp3 files. And although on the internet we can find many programs that allow us to carry out this simple task. The one that we will share today is one that stands out for being online. That’s right, completely online, you won’t need to download and install anything to be able to use it.
The website that allows you to do this is “” A website from which you can upload mp3 audio files (or any audio format you choose). And cut it, so they were left with only what you need. For later, download it and have it for your free use… As if that were not enough. On the same platform not only mp3 files can be cut. But you can also perform other types of functions, which range from joining audio files. Change the volume, the speed or even the pitch. And again, everything from the browser, without having to download anything to your PC.
What is an MP3 file?
MP3 is an audio compression format which has become popular for its ability to considerably reduce the size of any recorded sound. Such is its popularity that it is already considered a standard in terms of audio formats. Well, it is usually the one used by desktop computers and a multitude of physical players (hence they are known as mp3 players).
Of course, it is not the only audio format that exists. Obviously there are a much larger number of them on the internet. Being mp3 just one of many. But as we have already said, it is the one that has shown the best performance, since although it considerably reduces the weight of a sound file. This does not make you lose much quality in the process. What allows having as a result a light file and of good audit quality?
How to cut mp3 files from your browser?
Now we are going to explain as a step-by-step tutorial. How can you cut mp3 files from the browser? Using the tool…
- The first thing you should do is go to the official website. Which you can access through the following link “Click here “. That will redirect you to a browser window. Which will ask you to upload a file? Which you can do either by dragging the file to the site or by locating it with your PC’s file explorer. With the mp3 audio loaded, what follows is to determine which part of the audio you want to cut. The software itself specifies how you can do it.
- Once you have selected the part you want to cut, the only thing left to do is press the “Save” button. And after that, download the file to your PC. As you can see, it’s nothing to write home about, the process is intuitive and easy to do with this tool. And the best thing is that it is completely free, which means that you can cut mp3 files as many times as you want.
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What other options does offer?
In addition to having the possibility to cut mp3 files on this website. You will also find other functions for editing or modifying audio files. We will describe each one below:
- Volume Changer. As its name suggests, this option allows you to change the volume of mp3 files.
- Changespeed Speed up or slow down the speed of audio files.
- Tone changer. Changes the tones of the audio between bass and treble for different levels of depth.
- Flip-audio. This option basically allows you to play an audio in reverse.
- Voice recorder. Record your voice for videos or presentations, with the possibility of being downloaded for use.
- Audio Mixer .What this allows is to join several mp3 audio files into one.
Those are all the options offered by the website, as is evident. It is not limited to just cutting mp3 files, but it has at its disposal all the tools that you may need to edit audio. We recommend you take a look to learn how each of these online tools works. It may make it easier for more than one of them to do some work.
Tanner Abraham
Data Scientist and Software Engineer with a focus on experimental projects in new budding technologies that incorporate machine learning and quantum computing into web applications.=> Join the Waitlist for Early Access.